"Quinn: The Puzzle Game" is a cross platform game created by Zynga (the parent company of Facebook). The game is available for a number of different platforms. The Mac version is not currently available, but it is expected that it will be in the future. For those who want to get the Mac version of the game, you can easily download it online. You can also purchase a copy at a store near you.
As cross-platform games are becoming more popular, people are purchasing the games on a regular basis. In the case of this one, the Mac version has been available for quite some time and it will be a matter of time before the game is released for everyone else. It is a very exciting time to be playing cross platform games. If you want to buy the software now, you can find a number of different websites that offer it for download. You may find that the software is free, but most require a small fee for their services. You should also make sure that you are getting a good quality program, and that it has all the features that you need.